"The Toyonaka Wakikai" has its roots in the Aikido practice gathering of the Aikido Club of Osaka University of Foreign Studies "Wakikai".
The young children are applying themselves to practice searching for toughness amusement; the adults are practicing searching for the charm of Aikido through tough training.
At present, the training is divided in two parts: one of day sessions, and one of night sessions. The timetables, together with the training dojos are shown in another page. Yet, due to participation to training camps of the Aikido Club of Osaka University of Foreign Studies or other events, these timetable are subject to modification. In these cases, notice will be made previously. Please refer to the page [Contacts and Notices]
The day training contain to distant training sessions. Anybody can join whichever of these sessions, but the instruction activity is concentrated in the first half to children and biginners, and in the second half to advanced practicants. In the first half, the instruction is focused on ukemi(defensive falls) practice; articulary techniques are done here mildly. In the second half, the focus is on kihon-waza(basic techniques), but applied techniques are also performed: also there are performed articulary techniques for hard training( following the Founder's words that these articulary techniques clean off impurities from the articulations and the whole body).
In the night training sessions, together with the bare-hands techniques, bokken(wooden sword) and jo(cane) practice is also performed.
The instruction is performed by member of the "Wakikai" of the O.U.F.S and present member of the Aikido Club of O.U.F.S.
・ In order to join our gathering, the condition is to be older than primary school, but exceptions can be made if adult attendants participate together. Carefully attention is paid in order to prevent injuries; nevertheless, members are requested to join the Sports Insurances. Joining fee is 800 yen for junior high school student or younger, 1,850 yen for high school student or above / adult per year. The insurances validity term starts from April till next year's end of March.
・ The warm-up exercises performed at "Wakikai"(called Aiki-taiso) are considered to contain the essence of the Aikido techniques and way of thinking. One full set takes around 20 minutes, but it provides even only by itself enough exercise. Since the exercise are mild and smooth, they can be performed safely by anyone, including children or aged people. The warm-up exercise are very important in order to prevent injuries, but they improve the state of the practicant and also questionably effective for the beauty and body of the practicant.
※Admission fee and member fee ※
Admission fee: 2,800 yen
Monthly fee for Day sessions 2,800 yen
Monthly fee for Night sessions 3,500 yen
Yet, in the case the member attends both of the sessions, the fee are 5,500 yen
A slight discount is provided for members of the same family who join the club together.
In the case that a member discontinues participation for more than one month, the fee for the discontinuing period is 1,000 yen a month(1,500 yen for Night sessions member, 2,000 yen for the attendants of both sessions) and has to be paid in advance.
Members not paying the monthly fee for three months, membership will be automatically erased from the club.
The participation fee for non-members is 1,000 yen per one training day.
※ Point to be in mind ※
1. Please behave politely, respect the regulation and follow instructor's teaching.
2. Please practice seriously and sincerely, looking out in order to prevent injuries and mistakes.
3. Cleaning of the dojo must be performed before and after the practice in order to preserve a clean training environment.
4. Smoking is forbidden in the dojo. Please turn off mobile phones.
5. Please respect the principle of harmony in the dojo and apply to training joyfully.
6. Please do not drink alcoholic beverage before training.
7. Please always cut shortly your fingernails and toenails, wear a clean dogi(training suit) and take off any unnecessary
8. Responsibility for injuries and other accidents during the practice has to be taken by the member individually.